A “shared value”

based principle

Our pricing is based on a shared-value model. Each package includes a free option, enabling everyone to benefit from our services. We are convinced that our remuneration must be aligned with the value we create.

Don’t have an account yet? Sign-in for free

Free tier for all packages

Being rewarded for the value we create

Our packages



20 forecasts per week
History correction option
Planning of forecast calculations (limited)
One user per organization
Dashboard of key indicators (limited)



1,000 forecasts per month
History correction option
Option to schedule forecast calculations
Unlimited number of users per organization
Dashboard of key indicators
50 instant calculations per week



5,000 forecasts per month
History correction option
Option to schedule forecast calculations
Unlimited number of users per organization
Dashboard of key indicators
100 instant calculations per week
Automatic suggestion of data cleaning
Inclusion of external factors


On quote

Unlimited monthly forecasts
History correction option
Option to schedule forecast calculations
Unlimited number of users per organization
Dashboard of key indicators
Unlimited instant calculations per week
Automatic suggestion of data cleaning
Inclusion of external factors
NPI (new products introduction)
Dedicated support (e.g. integration)
SLA - Calculation time